# Log Format # ZCZC WEEK# MINUTES LogCode Description # LogCode: https://osp4diss.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt ZCZC W00 20 L03 Github related things ZCZC W00 10 L01 Writing favorite links in scele form ZCZC W00 30 L01 Responding to pop quizzes ZCZC W00 20 L23 Register, read rules, and chats ZCZC W00 100 L02 Attended Zoom meeting ZCZC W00 10 L00 Register ssh key ZCZC W00 10 L25 Reconfigure suckless program such as dwm ZCZC W00 30 L06 Reading archwiki regarding pacman package installer ZCZC W00 30 L21 Regular maintance and updates of system ZCZC W00 10 L26 Watching tutorial regarding ssh ZCZC W00 10 L26 Watching tutorial regarding gpg and pass ZCZC W00 10 L05 Surf around the web about using systemctl to manage systemd services ZCZC W00 10 L08 Try basic terminal commands such as cat, head, less, touch, cd, etc ZCZC W00 10 L08 Try terminal text base editor such as nano, and vim (even nvim) ZCZC W00 5 L06 Read about the difference about pacman and apt package manager ZCZC W01 100 L02 Attended Zoom meeting ZCZC W01 30 L11 Mengerjakan w01.md mengenai top 10 links pada week 1 ZCZC W01 10 L11 Membantu teman mengenai dasar-dasar menggunakan Vim ZCZC W01 20 L11 Membantu teman dalam penginstallan Debian di melalui VirtualBox ZCZC W01 20 L11 Mencoba menggunakan Head, Tail, Less, More ZCZC W01 20 L11 Mencoba menggunakan find, grep, sed, awk ZCZC W01 180 L11 Mencoba Vim dengan mengedit seluruh text based file menggunakan Vim ZCZC W01 10 L11 Mencoba menggunakan symbolic links di linux ZCZC W01 10 L11 Mengubah isi file .bashrc dan .profile dan mencobanya ZCZC W01 20 L11 Mencoba menggunakan shell zsh serta mengubah .zshrc ZCZC W01 10 L11 Mencoba mengubah file permission pada suatu file agar dapat diakses oleh user lain ZCZC W01 40 L11 Membuat, menghapus akun guest lain. Serta mencoba relasinya dengan permission dan root privilage ZCZC W01 20 L06 Reading archwiki about Users and groups ZCZC W01 10 L06 Reading the difference between sudo and su ZCZC W01 20 L06 Reading about permissions and chmod ZCZC W01 30 L06 Reading the usage of find, grep, sed, awk along with it's examples ZCZC W01 10 L06 Reading the usage of cat, less, more, tail, head along with it's examples ZCZC W01 10 L06 Reading about linux links ZCZC W01 36 L26 Watching Mastering the Vim Language by Chris Toomey ZCZC W01 40 L01 Pop Quiz ZCZC W01 30 L11 Try Bash Scripting ZCZC W02 90 L02 Attended Zoom meeting ZCZC W02 50 L11 Membantu teman untuk membuat konfigurasi serta menggunakan plugin untuk vim ZCZC W02 30 L12 Menggenerate GPG keys dan mencoba mengekspor public key ke bentuk .txt ZCZC W02 10 L12 Mengimpor publick key dari operatingsystems@vlsm.org ZCZC W02 5 L12 Try myscript.sh from https://github.com/cbkadal/os211/ and successfully create SHA25SUM and SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W02 45 L12 Deconstruct myscript.sh to understand what each line do ZCZC W02 30 L06 Read about GPG and sha256sum from man ZCZC W02 30 L05 Read about clear-signed, detached-signed, and other gpg related commands ZCZC W02 30 L08 Try pass, the standard unix password manager generate, and storing the passwords ZCZC W02 60 L00 Input passwords for multiple website and account as well as finding a script or way to access them with ease ZCZC W02 10 L01 Writing in solar form ZCZC W02 30 L01 Pop Quiz ZCZC W02 10 L23 Belajar bersama ZCZC W02 10 L06 Reading about curl and wget ZCZC W02 10 L06 Reading about using && and || as an if statement. ZCZC W02 60 L12 Create myscript.sh that copy my vim settings to ~/.vimrc ZCZC W02 60 L12 Mengerjakan w02.md mengenai top 10 links pada week 2 ZCZC W02 60 L12 Menilai serta menentukan 3 orang untuk myrank.txt untuk week 1 ZCZC W02 60 L12 Mencoba demo C program dari github SisteOperasi Week02 ZCZC W02 180 L25 Change nvim configuration to use nvim-lsp and lua based configs ZCZC W02 30 L23 Belajar bersama ZCZC W03 90 L02 Attended Zoom meeting ZCZC W03 15 L11 Read OSC-10 chapter 13-15 ZCZC W03 15 L14 Try Demos ZCZC W03 5 L13 Updated .bash_aliases ZCZC W03 15 L14 Update myrank.txt for week 03 ZCZC W03 60 L15 Mengerjakan w03.md mengenai top 10 links pada week 3 ZCZC W03 60 L17 Did assignment #7 ZCZC W03 60 L18 Did assignment #8 ZCZC W03 60 L19 Did assignment #9 ZCZC W03 120 L08 Trying to create a script that automates the proocess for assignment 7-9 ZCZC W03 15 L16 Updated mylog.txt ZCZC W04 100 L02 ZOOM related (Wednesday QnA Session) ZCZC W04 120 L13 Mengerjakan w03.md mengenai top 10 links pada week 3 ZCZC W04 15 L11 Did assignment #1 ZCZC W04 10 L12 Did assignment #2 ZCZC W04 10 L15 Did assignment #5 ZCZC W04 10 L15 Did assignment #6 ZCZC W04 10 L15 Did assignment #7 ZCZC W04 10 L15 Did assignment #8 ZCZC W04 60 L05 Read about Openbox, the configurations and how it works ZCZC W04 60 L05 Using Openbox as a window manager ZCZC W04 60 L05 Using Openbox as a window manager ZCZC W04 120 L05 Configure neovim so that it can install lsp automatically as well as using snippets ZCZC W04 120 L05 Configure openbox to my specification ZCZC W04 10 L03 Updating my dotfiles ZCZC W05 70 L02 ZOOM related (Wednesday QnA Session) ZCZC W05 180 L21 VirtualBox: install virtualbox and it's extension, GNU/Linux, create it's guess account, etc ZCZC W05 20 L21 VirtualBox: Added W05 Tarball and do "How low can you go" ZCZC W05 80 L05 GSGS Related: Top 10 Links for week 3 ZCZC W05 30 L21 VirtualBox: Added Top 10 Links ZCZC W05 360 L22 Youtube: Relearn the design patterns ZCZC W05 120 L22 Youtube: Watch Hololive ZCZC W05 120 L06 Reading Tour of Rust ZCZC W05 120 L06 Reading Tour of Go ZCZC W05 180 L08 Trying (and suffering) go ZCZC W05 180 L07 Tring the demos ZCZC W06 110 L02 Attended ZOOM meeting ZCZC W06 30 L12 Update myrank.txt ZCZC W06 60 L14 Done assignment #4 ZCZC W06 10 L16 Make SHA256SUM and sign it as SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W06 20 L10 Assignment (General): POPQUIZW06Q02 and Q03 ZCZC W06 300 L13 Assignment 3: Create top 10 link for week 06 ZCZC W07 110 L02 ZOOM related ZCZC W07 15 L11 Assignment 1: OSC10 chapter 06, 07, and 08 ZCZC W07 15 L12 Assignment 2: add myrank for week 06 ZCZC W07 400 L13 Assignment 3: Create top 10 link for week 07 ZCZC W07 50 L15 Assignment 4: Did DOwnload, followed, and changed to tarbal ZCZC W07 10 L18 Assignment 5: Update Mylog.txt ZCZC W07 120 L21 Regular maintance and updates of system. As well as deleting obsolete programs ZCZC W07 40 L21 Learning more about cURL ZCZC W07 20 L21 Learning httpie ZCZC W05 120 L22 Youtube: Watch Hololive ZCZC W07 30 L06 Reading archwiki regarding postgresql ZCZC W07 60 L01 Pop Quiz (both tuesday and thursday) ZCZC W07 30 L06 Reading archwiki regarding systemd ZCZC W07 30 L06 Reading archwiki regarding mpd ZCZC W08 105 L02 ZOOM related ZCZC W08 120 L12 Assignment #2 : picking 3 best and top 10 link list ZCZC W08 240 L13 Assignment #3 : building linux from scratch chapter 1-4 + reports ZCZC W08 15 L15 Assignment #5 : Update my log ZCZC W08 120 L22 Youtube: Watch Hololive ZCZC W08 120 L21 Regular maintance and updates of system. As well as deleting obsolete programs