
Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. Introduction to Concurrent Programming: A Beginner’s Guide Concurrency wasn’t something I have a firm grasp on, neither did parallelism. Thankfully this website teach both in details, it even gives an example of the code for it

  2. Process Scheduling Process scheduling? What’s that? This website gives me a long, detail, and pretty understandable explanation of what process scheduling is. It has ToC, pictures, and even tables to explain it, with those three intact you know it’s legitimate

  3. Cron Jobs and Crontab on Linux Explained Speaking of scheduling it’s a pain to clean up all of those junk stuff manually, not to mention I tend to forget to actually do them. This is where Cron, a job scheduler comes in hand. The website pretty much explained how to do it with pictures, and example and all

  4. Interrupt Interrupts are something I would use every so oftern when I press ctrl-c when a program is running but I didn’t understand how it did that. This web provides the answer to it, from it’s definition to it’s type, and even show you how to print the list of registered Interrupt on the system

  5. Start and Detach Background Process I have a lot of utilities that need a daemon to be started before I actually can use them like mpd, clipmenud, picom to name a few. Naturally I couldn’t be bothered to open bunch of terminals just to run them, which is where background process comes to play, something this website teaches you

  6. xwinwrap Live wallpaper isn’t really available on Linux which honestly was quite a bummer. Then i found this, something that allows you to stick an app to the desktop background, with it I was able to make mpv runs a video or gif of my choosing and make them run as my desktop background, creating a pseudo live wallpaper

  7. Process vs Thread Process and thread would sometimes be found and be used interchangeably, confused? Yeah me too, luckily this website teach you the difference between the two.

  8. Orphan vs Zombie vs Daemon Processes Loads of terminology thrown around, orphans, daemon, and one that I just recently heard of zombie. Three of those would make a good story, but in processes? I know nothing of it, glad I found this web, it answers plenty of my question

  9. Learn Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists Creating Linked List in rust is unlike creating one in other programming language like Java or Python. It gives you plenty of errors. This website teach you how to actually make it, you’ll learn plenty of stuff like Box, Enums, etc. By the end of the day you’ll learn a lot more

  10. Easy Rust The official rust documentation is but sometimes it’s a little bit difficult to understand, this website gets you learning by providing plenty of examples.