
Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. Process Synchronization Reading the slides can be quite confusing, which is where this website comes to the rescue! It explains concepts with simple words and have pictures to illustrate the explanations, making it more easier to understand

  2. Introduction of Deadlock in Operating System Deadlock in wasn’t fully covered all that well in the slide, this website will provide the lack of explanations making you less loss, I know I did

  3. Banker’s Algorithm Banker’s Algorithm is an algorithm that tests for safety regarding resource allocation. This video will illustrate such alogrithm step-by-step, not only did it show you how it works it also gives you the visualization for it as well

  4. httpie A command-line HTTP client much like cURL. So why this? Well it has a saner syntax, not to mention the detailed documentation on it’s github pages makes it a lot more easier to use as well. You could argue that I’m too lazy to learn cURL (and you’re right), but writing request with httpie is simpler, and not that confusing compared to cURL.

Compare : curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -XPOST https://api.ctl.io/v2/authentication/login \ --data '{"username":"YOUR.USERNAME","password":"YOUR.PASSWORD"}' with http POST https://api.ctl.io/v2/authentication/login \ 'username=YOUR.USERNAME' 'password=YOUR.PASSWORD'

No wonders I chose the atter

  1. ffmpeg ffmpeg is a great converter for your everyday need without all the waiting in GUI. Changing from jpg to png? Sure it can do that. Changing a video to a GIF? Sure it can do that too. Creating a video from images? Not to mention changing their aspect ratio? It can do that too!. Point is, it’s a great tool to use

  2. youtube-dl youtube-dl is a cli program that allows you to download video and audio from youtube or other video platforms. You can also change the quality of the downloaded video, it’s format, etc. It’s a great tool that allows easy download of a video and/or audio when you need it, not to mention lightweight as well

  3. Critical Section Problem in OS I don’t understant the critical section that was shown on the slide. I took a look at it and was bamboozled by it, so I turn to the internet. This website explain it so that even Spongebob can understand (probably)

  4. Bounded-Buffer Problem One of the classic problems of Critical Section. This website provides an apt description of the problem as well as it’s solution, mmaking it easier to be understood.

  5. Reader-Writers Problem Another classic example of Crticial Condition. It’s similar to Bounded-Buffer Problem, the only difference is that instead of Producer and Consumer doing an operation at the same time it’s Read and Edit process that happen at the same time.

  6. Linux bans University of Minnesota I’ve been hearing about the it for quite some but haven’t really got the full story about it. This websites gives detail report on how the events came to be