
Top 10 List of Week 08

  1. Termite is Dead Use Alacritty The terminal emulator Termite was suddenly archived, a bad thing for me since I used Termite as my terminal emulator. This video covers of why it was suddenly archived

  2. rest.nvim In developing REST API there are times you need to test said API, httpie allows this but I ended up having to write many json files containing the parameters and the URLs manually. This plugin allows me to write all the routes and parameters as many as I wish in an .http file adn when I want to execute a request I simply hover over it and run the command needed to run the plugin

  3. Introduction to CPU Scheduling

  4. CPU and I/O Burst Cycles Burst CPU sounds like a cool move that comes from a video game. I never heard such cool sounding terms and was curioused about it. Ended up learning that and more, like CPU execution state and I/O wait

  5. Wine A compatibility layer in order for Windows based applications to work on Linux. This is needed when you don’t want to run a VM on the background but needed a Windows based application to use, such as LINE Messenger or Microsoft Word, two applications that I used daily

  6. Rclone A command line program to manage files on cloud storage. This is especially useful considering I have multiple cloud storage that is used such as Dropbox and Google Drive, managing them by entering through their website could be quite a hassle. Not to mention I have a folder that needed to be sync across multiple devices. Rclone makes all of this being easy as I can mount said storages to my local computer

  7. Multiprocessing Scheduling Multiprocessing Scheduling made simple. This is a website that explains multiprocess in a concise mannet, with pictures and all. Chances are you’ll understand thhe basics of it after you done reading this articel is pretty high

  8. Operating System Scheduling Algorithms It’s a page that tells you about multiple scheduling algorithms and how to count the average time. I have an easier time when learning about it due to how simple it was delivered

  9. Comparison of Scheduling Algorithms A video that explains the pros and cons of each scheduling algorithms. The information given was detailed, and shown in good manner with tables and all. All in all it’s an informative video that will makes you understand the difference between the many algorithms easily

  10. dwm-flexipatch dwm-flexipatch is a side project that has a different take on patching for dwm. Instead of manually adding patch to a barebone dwm, dwm-flexipatch contains all the patches by default and you only need to set which patch you want to have. This is really usefuly if you don’t really really mind about the many patches installed or if you don’t want to deal with possible merge conflicts